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When & Where:

Science and


Friday, September 23

3:15-5:00 pm

Engineering and Mathematics

Friday, September 30

3:15-5:00 pm

Note: If you viewed a flyer, the information might not have been accurate. Dates have changed since some flyers were printed.

The above dates are accurate.

What To Expect


Each day, the girls will learn what science, technology, engineering, or mathematics is. There will be group activities and projects to give the girls a hands on experience to the field. We will discuss the various career paths that are available in these fields and show the girls how they can succeed on these paths. We will address the stereotypes that discourage girls from pursuing STEM. Women currently working in STEM will come and talk about their careers and education. Girls will leave the class with a better understanding of what STEM is and why it is important, so that when they go into middle school and high school, they can take part in STEM clubs and classes.

The Class


The Spreading STEM class will take place over the course of 4 days. Each day will cover a different field of STEM. Girls in 4th and 5th grade are invited to attend. 

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About the teacher


My name is Lindsay Filgas. I am a student at Newbury Park High School and have been passionate about STEM since my experiences in middle school with robotics and physics clubs. I decided to create this class as part of my Girl Scout Gold Award Project. I am currently a Senior Girl Scout. In addition, I am a member of my school’s Mock Trial Team, a writer for the NPHS student newspaper Panther Prowler, and enjoy video production.

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