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Spreading STEM

Science Technology Engineering Mathematics

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Spreading STEM is a class for 4th and 5th grade girls that focuses on creating interest in the STEM fields (science, technology, engingeering, and mathemtatics). Girls will work with high school junior Lindsay Filgas and hear from guest speakers about the importance of women in STEM, and find out how they too can be successful in STEM.

The class is entirely free.


Science and Technology


September 23

3:15-5:00 pm

Engineering and Mathematics


September 30

3:15-5:00 pm

Note: If you viewed a flyer, the information might not have been accurate. Dates have changed since some flyers were printed.

The above dates are accurate.

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Before the



Only 41% of girls said that they enjoy learning about science.

After the



72% of girls said they would be interested in joining STEM clubs at school.

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